Shipping Policy

    Shipping Carrier

    We ship all orders fully insured, with tracking numbers. All orders over $100 are sent with signature confirmation. Orders will be sent via a carrier of our choosing. We ship via USPS, FedEx, and UPS at our discretion. We will always ship by the safest method possible to ensure your goods get to you safely. Please allow ample time for your items to arrive.

    International Shipping

    For security, insurance, and international customs reasons we do not offer shipping outside of the United States for items purchased directly from our site. We can, in some cases, make arrangements if you contact us directly. Here

    Handling Time

    We make every effort to process and ship orders the same day payment is confirmed. There are several reasons why a delay might occur. Please note holidays, the occurrence of a payment complication, and occasionally quality control purposes.

    Shipping Time

    Once an order leaves our office, it is up to the carrier to get it you and it is out of our control. Please allow ample time for your product to arrive.

    Standard Shipping is 5-7 days

    Priority Shipping is 2-3 days

    Overnight is 1 day

    Please note that shipping around holidays may increase this time as well as any unforseen circumstances such as inclement weather or civil unrest.
